Kick an apple into the goal
Free yourself from Bramble
Find all story books
Brew a potion. Bring out the scales!
Brew a potion.
Find all wooden figurines
Complete the game
Find the Kärrhäxan wooden figurine
Find the gnome wooden figurine
Find the Lyktgubben wooden figurine
Find the Lemus wooden figurine
Find the Näcken wooden figurine
Find the King Nils wooden figurine
Find the Pesta wooden figurine
Find the Lillemor wooden figurine
Find the Skogsrå wooden figurine
Find the troll wooden figurine
Find the Tuva wooden figurine
Complete a playthrough without dying or restarting levels
Kick the pinecone folk out of the cave
Sacrifice the gnome
Complete the path of traps without any gnome casualties
Defeat the butcher
Defeat the swamp midwife
Dethrone the Mountain King
Survive against Näcken
Escape Pesta
Make it through Skogsrå's grove
Jump on the mushrooms 5 times
Find the toy duck and place it on the grave
Stab Skogsrå 100 times
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