Have a hero meltdown
Have a hero become resolute
Apply a memory onto a hero
Apply 5 memories onto a single hero
Unlock the Flagellant
Unlock the Hellion
Unlock the Jester
Unlock the Leper
Unlock the Occultist
Unlock the Runaway
Unlock the Vestal
Unlock 100% of the Altar of Hope
Unlock 50% of the Altar of Hope
Unlock 25% of the Altar of Hope
Play the game on the anniversary of release
Kill 100 Creatures
Kill 100 Cadavers
Kill 100 Cosmic Beings
Defeat the lair boss found in the Tangle
Kill 100 Fanatics
Kill 100 Fisherfolk
Kill 100 Gaunt
Kill 100 Gentry
Defeat the lair boss found in the Foetor
Land the killing blow on a lair boss from the Bounty Hunter
Defeat the lair boss found in the Shroud
Defeat the lair boss found in the Sprawl
Kill 100 Pillagers
Kill 100 Swine
Party wipe against each Confession endboss
Party wipe against any Confession endboss
Defeat 3 lair bosses in a single expedition
Clear the Sluice
Clear the Sprawl
Clear the Shroud
Clear the Foetor
Clear the Tangle
Drive 1,000 leagues in the stagecoach
Drive 20,000 leagues in the stagecoach
Master 5 skills on a single hero during an expedition
Complete all heroes' entire backstory
Complete any hero's entire backstory
Purchase an indelible trinket from the Hoarder
Treat a disease, remove a negative quirk, and lock-in a positive quirk at a single Field Hospital
Reach the first Inn
Hire the Bounty Hunter
Find a replacement for a fallen hero
Visit every Inn
Enter the Mountain with a full party and all negative relationships
Enter the Mountain with a full party and all positive relationships
Have a full roster of heroes with at least one memory each
Abandon an expedition
Complete Denial
Defeat all 5 Confessions with the same four heroes without any of them dying
Defeat the final boss with the Stygian Blaze equipped
Have a trophy, pet, and four stagecoach items equipped all at once
Defeat the Antiquarian
Defeat Death
Defeat a Shambler
Defeat a Shambler with Shambler's Spawn equipped
Lose a hero who was full of memories
Complete Resentment
Complete Obsession
Complete Ambition
Complete Cowardice
Apply 5 memories onto the Abomination
Apply 5 memories onto the Crusader
Apply 5 memories onto the Duelist
Gain each of the effects from the Purloiner Felid and Cat Food at least once in a single expedition or campaign
Land the killing blow on the Alpha Rot Claw from the Abomination
Have two different members of your party forced into a resolve check due to the Abomination over the course of a single Expedition or Kingdom campaign...
Have the Abomination transform into beast form three times in a single fight
Have the Abomination use a Coiled Chain on the Cryptkeeper in the Catacombs
Kill 7+ Slimes in a single combat
Land the killing blow on a lair boss with The Boot from the Duelist
Deal 20 damage with a Riposte skill from the Duelist
Land a Riposte with Man-at-Arms, Highwayman, and Duelist in a single fight
Have any hero use a Cracked Geode in combat
Hit the Antiquarian with a Ragged Coin Purse
Clear the Catacombs and the Sluice in a single expedition
Complete Abomination's Backstory
Complete the Crusader's backstory
Complete the Duelist's backstory
Purchase one of each Inn Capstone in a single campaign
Collect 5 Inn treasures over the course of a single campaign
Land the killing blow on a beastman with a Huntsman's Hatchet
Use a Signal Flare
Complete 5 kill contracts in a single campaign
Deliver 5 rumours over the course of a single campaign
Purchase an Inn Capstone
Have 8 heroes involved in relationships at the same time
Defend a siege using only Peasant Militia
Possess a Trophy from the Sprawl, Foetor, Tangle, Tundra and Shroud at once in a single campaign
Successfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on any difficulty
Successfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on Blood Moon difficulty
Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign while losing up to a single Inn
Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign with no possible Inn losses remaining
Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign on any difficulty without ever passing a day.
Form a team with the Abomination and 3 of the following heroes: Vestal, Crusader, Flagellant, Leper
Complete The Lost Crusade
Have the Highwayman and the Crusader form a positive relationship
Complete an expedition with The Usual Suspects
Defeat the Chirurgeon
Defeat the Collector
Land the killing blow on the Warlord from the Crusader
Complete Cowardice with the Highwayman and Crusader in your party
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