Reset all achievements.
Collected 4 types of livestock.
Won a battle for the first time.
Used a Unite Attack for the first time.
Beat Dance with Karen for the first time.
Built a garden.
Caught a fish for the first time.
Built a Guardian Deity for the first time.
Completed a duel for the first time.
Got 1st in Rope Climbing for the first time.
Used the telescope at headquarters.
Commanded an army battle for the first time.
Got the 108 Stars ending in Suikoden I.
Completed Suikoden I.
Completed Suikoden I on Hard.
Completed Ivanov's painting.
Got the 108 Stars ending in Suikoden II.
Obtained the HQ in Suikoden II.
Completed Suikoden II.
Completed Suikoden II on Hard.
Beat Stage 5 of Dance with Karen.
Caught every type of fish in Fishing.
1st in Rope Climbing (10,000 potch).
Beat Whack-A-Mole on Hard Mode.
Recruited all five flying squirrels.
Recruited Hai Yo.
Made 100,000 potch through trading in Suikoden II.
Raised the hero's weapon to Lv. 16 in Suikoden II.
Emerged victorious in the final cook-off.
Received a mission from Kraze.
Escaped Gregminster.
Said farewell to Odessa.
Defeated the Zombie Dragon.
Said farewell to Gremio.
Defeated Teo McDohl in a duel.
Vanquished Neclord in Suikoden I.
Became allies with the Dragon Knights.
Defeated Sonya.
Obtained the HQ in Suikoden I.
Completed Clive's quest in Suikoden II.
Fled the fort with Jowy.
Defeated the Mist Shade.
Obtained the Bright Shield Rune.
Witnessed the massacre at Ryube Village.
Jowy returned from the garrison.
Recruited Shu.
Recruited Miklotov and Camus.
Defeated Luca Blight.
Defeated Neclord in Suikoden II.
Made Rockaxe surrender.
Escaped L'Renouille.
Fought the final battle with Jowy.
Recruited Clive in Suikoden II.
Recruited Tengaar and Hix in Suikoden II.
Recruited Futch in Suikoden II.
Recruited the protagonist of Suikoden I.
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