Find all the cassette tapes.
Craft all the viscera sacks.
Discover all the recipes.
Obtain all weapons.
Craft all the weapon holsters.
Play blackjack 10 times.
Play blackjack 50 times.
Achieve a x6 combo.
Achieve a x12 combo.
Achieve a x16 combo.
Upgrade the Crossbow to the higest level.
Die 100 times.
Die 500 times.
Die 1000 times.
Kill 100 enemies.
Kill 500 enemies.
Kill 1000 enemies.
Cover 50 km.
Cover 200 km.
Cover 500 km.
Play blackjack for the first time.
Reveal the full map.
Earn 1000 viscera playing the blackjack.
Upgrade the Revolver to the highest level.
Cook 10 times.
Cook 50 times.
Upgrade the Rocket Launcher to the highest level.
Upgrade the Shotgun to the highest level.
Upgrade the Sniper Rifle to the highest level.
Upgrade the Machine Gun to the highest level.
Take down all the memorial statues.
Give Puppy all the treats.
Kill A Hundred Hungry Beaks.
Kill A Caterpillar Made of Sadness.
Kill A Gargantuan Swimcrab.
Kill Pope Melva VIII.
Kill the Two-Beak God.
Remember when Puppy arrived.
Remember when Ava left.
Remember your first shot.
Reunite the Wastelanders.
Kill A Long Lost Woodcrawler.
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