Raised the Arkride Solutions rank to AAA.
Unlocked all in-game achievements. (Other than EX)
Acquired all Arts Drivers. (Other than EX)
Activated a preemptive shard strike 250 times.
Raised all LGC alignments (Law, Gray, and Chaos) to their maximum level.
Modified the background music settings from the Märchen Garten's Marduk Support menu.
Completely filled the Books section in the Notebook.
Raised your Chaos LGC alignment to the maximum level.
Watched all movies.
Raised all Connection Stages to their maximum level.
Used all seven Dual Arts.
Activated an EX Chain 200 times or more.
Defeated 300 or more enemies in Field Battles.
Defeated the 9th floor boss of the Märchen Garten.
Completely filled the Fishing section in the Notebook.
Gave 30 gift items. (Other than Gem Cards)
Raised the Gourmet Rank to its maximum level.
Raised your Gray LGC alignment to the maximum level.
Hacked open a treasure chest with an orbal lock.
Acquired all holo cores. (Other than Alters)
Raised a holo core to its maximum level.
Participated in all three activities on Nemeth Island.
Defeated 500 or more enemies in Command Battle or Field Battle.
Defeated 1,000 or more enemies in Command Battle or Field Battle.
Raised your Law LGC alignment to the maximum level.
Completely filled the Battle section in the Notebook. (Other than EX)
Completed the game on Nightmare difficulty.
Fully unlocked all 15 characters' orbment slots.
Completed all quests.
Defeated 100 or more enemies using Quick Arts.
Made over 500 moves while in S-Boost mode.
Completed the Prologue.
Completed the Overture.
Completed Act I - Side A.
Completed Act I - Side B.
Completed Act II - Side A.
Completed Act II - Side B.
Completed Fragments.
Completed Act III.
Completed the Finale.
Began work as a spriggan again.
Participated in all four events during the school festival.
Used SCLM Chain and SCLM Support a combined total of 500 times.
Used 250 or more S-Crafts in battle.
Took a dip in the sauna in Edith during Act I, Act II, Act III, and the Finale, as well as the saunas in Messeldam and Langport.
Enhanced all of a character's crafts to their maximum level using the Märchen Garten's craft enhancement.
Fabricated Onyx Steel weapons for all 15 of your party members.
Created an Onyx Steel weapon.
Achieved an S-rank on any chapter from Act I onward.
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of x4.0 or higher.
Opened 150 treasure chests. (Other than those in the Märchen Garten)
Did a total of 100,000 damage or more.
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