Generate a total of 20,000 of each advanced resource (copper, gold, uranium)
See 5 disasters in a single colony
Complete all the research
Complete the tutorial campaigns
Reach level 3 without letting any unit's health go below 70% (Survival only)
Keep a balanced production for all resources for 5 cycles
Have a colonist born, study, work and die of old age in your colony
Build all decorations
Build at least a decoration in each sector (Survival only)
Build all units (Survival only)
Build 1,000 decorations
Build a total of 5,000 units
Have 3 burnt buildings within 10 cycles (Survival only)
Complete the colony tour 100 times
Generate a total of 20,000 of each core resource (power, water, iron, rock, soil)
Cover all the regions with grass by at least 80% (Survival only)
Have more than 500 criminals at the same time (Survival only)
Have more than 200 people getting infected by dead people in a single cycle (Survival only)
Have 30,000 people die of old age
Provide entertainment 500,000 times
Extract 10,000,000 resources
Stop fire 2,000 times
Generate a total of 100,000 of each food
0 infections for 15 cycles
Provide maintenance 3,000 times
Have more than 120 service rovers
Build at least 20 units in each region
Have 10 mines of the same type in a sector
Have a building health go below 60% (Survival only)
Reach level 4 without letting any unit get burnt (Survival only)
Have less than 10,000 money (Survival only)
Reach level 4 without letting any storage get robbed (Survival only)
Run the colony with 80% nuclear energy for 3 cycles
Have more than 100 perma homeless at the same time (Survival only)
Obtain the Principal rover 3 within 120 minutes (Survival only)
Reach day 100 in your colony
Get robbed 3 times within 10 cycles (Survival only)
Run the colony with 80% solar energy for 3 cycles
Receive 500 shuttle of colonists
Have 30,000 students complete all education grades
Catch 2,000 thieves
Have 2,000 people in your colony
Have 5,000 people in your colony
Have 10,000 people in your colony
Complete 10 campaigns
Complete 25 campaigns
Complete 50 campaigns
Produce 100,000,000 food
See rain or snow 50 times
Complete 200 trading expeditions
Generate 5,000,000 money from trading
Treat 5,000,000 trash
Have more than 500 uneducated people at the same time (Survival only)
Destroy 10 units
Upgrade the Principal rover
Upgrade the units 30,000 times
Have all units upgraded to level 3 or more (Survival only)
Reach level 5 with at least one unit of each type (Survival only)
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