

Journey to the mysterious New World, and wage campaigns of adventure and conquest in the critically-acclaimed second chapter of the Total War: WARHAMMER series!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Queen & The Crone

Ulthuan's greatest defender Alarielle the Radiant rallies her forces, for the Hag Queen Crone Hellebron has embarked upon a bloody warpath!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Rise of the Tomb Kings

In arid Nehekhara, vast skeletal legions and nightmare constructs arise from the baking sands. The Tomb Kings have awoken, to reclaim the lands that are rightfully theirs!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Curse of the Vampire Coast

The undead Commodores of the Vampire Coast have set sail. Join them as they terrorise the seas, seeking blood and plunder!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Prophet & The Warlock

The Skink prophet Tehenhauin demands a vast sacrifice in Skaven blood! It's time for Ikit Claw, the arch Warlock-Engineer, to put his cunning plans in motion...

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Warden & The Paunch

Eltharion of Tor Yvresse is ever-watchful for Greenskin incursions. Now his oldest enemy, Grom The Paunch, marches on Ulthuan with a mighty WAAAGH!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Hunter & The Beast

The Emperor's Huntsmarshall is on a mission to take down the legendary lizard, Nakai the Wanderer, but the jungle does not sleep...

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Twisted & The Twilight

A Chaotic rift has appeared in the woods of Athel Loren. Can Queen Ariel and the Sisters of Twilight perform the ritual of closure before Throt the Unclean enacts his evil plan?

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Shadow & The Blade

The Daemon Tz'Arkan has slipped his bonds. Who will capture him and exploit his power first? The cruel Malus Darkblade, or the lethal Deathmaster Snikch?

Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Silence & The Fury

Taurox, the Brass Bull, has a great plan to unleash Chaos upon the world, but Oxyotl waits silently in the shadows…

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Ogre Mercenaries

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Ogre Mercenaries

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Great Bray Shaman

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Great Bray Shaman

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Gotrek & Felix

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Gotrek & Felix

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Glade Captain

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Glade Captain

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Catchweb Spidershrine

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Catchweb Spidershrine

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Blood for the Blood God II

From Naggaroth to the Southlands, each race struggles for dominion. As their conquests grow, the land turns crimson, and rivers run red with the blood of the slain!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Imrik

A direct descendant of Caledor the Phoenix King, Imrik is widely known as the greatest living Dragon Prince.

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Tretch Craventail

Even for a Race that exemplifies high cunning and guile, Tretch Craventail stands head and shoulders above other Skaven for his startling underhandedness!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Gor-Rok

Gor-Rok the Great White Lizard is a veteran Saurus Warrior with the scars to prove it. He is the rock upon which Itza’s enemies are broken!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Rakarth

The Dark Elf Beastmaster of Naggaroth has entered the battlefield, sat astride his infamous black dragon, Bracchus!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Skaven Chieftain

Equipped with an armour-piercing halberd and with a Bonebreaker mount option, the Skaven Chieftain is an adept counter to armoured cavalry.

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Tiktaq'to

Tiktaq’to, Master of Skies for the Temple-City of Hexoatl, is the greatest of all the Terradon Riders!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Mortal Empires

A new grand-scale campaign combing the land masses of Old World and the New World, Mortal Empires requires ownership of both Total War: WARHAMMER 1 & II.

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Thorek

Obsessed with the recovery of lost Dwarfen relics, Thorek is on a mission to reclaim the lost knowledge of the ancients.

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Lokhir Fellheart

Lokhir Fellheart, the Krakenlord of Karond Kar, plies the coastlines and seaways of the world, plundering ports and settlements for their riches and enslaving their inhabitants!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Steps of Isha

The Steps of Isha is a free downloadable Map Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II containing 4 new battle maps for custom and multiplayer battles

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Repanse de Lyonesse

Armed with the mighty Sword of Lyonesse and her trusty companion Henri Le Massif, Repanse embodies the crusading spirit of Bretonnia!

Total War: WARHAMMER II - Alith Anar

Alith Anar – The Shadow King of the High Elves – has returned to wreak vengeance on the hated Druchii!

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Assembly Kit

Welcome to the Total War: Warhammer II Assembly Kit. Refashion your game with these powerful new tools that expand the Total War Assembly Kit on the Epic Store.